Which Fingers to press in case of pain?

From time to time medical science developed, but many people from ancient time believed that most of the body’s illness comes from disharmony inside from the body. That disharmony can be achieved through bad diet, bad habits, and poor thoughts. Jin Shin Jyutsu, which is an ancient art of mending from Japan, uses certain pressure finger points to create harmony again in your body.

Using the image below, you can find the right fingers to put pressure on to help relieve certain symptoms in your body.

which fingers to press in case of painIf you put pressure on the thumb

You bring harmony to your stomach and spleen. You can also relieve nervousness, anxiety and depression. You can also relieve skin problems, headaches, stomach aches, and the sensation of constantly being ill.

If you put pressure on the index or pointer finger

You bring harmony to your kidneys and bladder. You can also relieve feelings of apprehension, as well as muscle cramps, back pain, tooth aches and digestive tract problems.

If you put pressure on the middle finger

You bring harmony to your liver and nerves. You can also relieve feelings of anger and uncertainty. You also improve your cardiovascular health, menstrual pain, issues with vision, and headaches.

If you put pressure on the ring finger

You bring harmony to your lungs and digestive organs. You can also relieve feelings of distress as well as ringing in the ears, breathing problems, and digestive problems.

If you put pressure on the little finger

You bring harmony to your heart. Feelings of tension, anxiety, and loneliness are relieved. You can also improve throat pain, flatulence, and issues with your bones.

Source — www.higherperspectives.com


  1. Most people would rightly be skeptical of this method at first glance, but if you don’t try it, you can’t know for sure; as someone who has been fortunate enough to have learned Japanese martial arts and healing techniques ( they go hand in hand, believe it or not), I can personally attest to it’s effectiveness. Thanks for this.

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